3.2 Titianic at Kaggel

Titanic perhaps is the oldest and most participated competition on the Kaggle competition site. Even Kaggle used it as a sample project to show how people can participate in a competition and submit their results.

Kaggle Competition on Titanic

Figure 3.3: Kaggle Competition on Titanic

We take Titanic as an example through this tutorial because of the following reasons:

  1. The story is well known and easy to understand and communicates any actions and the cause of the actions in the analysis process.
  2. The competition has the largest participants, so any issues are most likely have been studied already. So explore the discussion and other sources that can help to solve any problem you may have.
  3. It is well studied, so there are plenty of alternative training materials available for your reference.
  4. Lastly, the problem itself is an interesting one that has the characteristic of only has a better solution and no best solution. So people are still working in it and uses the latest technologies.